Your Coach, your goals

Do you struggle with what to eat? Do you have specific body composition and/or performance goals? We can help! This is not your average, numbers only macronutrient plan. We sit down to discuss your exact goals and your current lifestyle to design a plan that is customized to you. We also touch on other crucial lifestyle factors that affect your results such as sleep and stress management to aid in achieving your goals.

  • Lean Muscle Gain

  • Fat loss

  • Body Recompositing

  • Athletic Performance

  • Nutrition Education

  • Accountability and Guidance

  • Packages and discounts available

12 Week Program

This nutrition package is highly popular and our top recommendation for all new clients seeking nutritional guidance. Over a dedicated 12-14 week period, we take the responsibility of closely monitoring your adherence to your personalized nutrition plan while providing comprehensive education on key factors crucial for your success.

To kickstart our collaboration, we begin with a thorough health and history assessment to better understand your goals and the challenges you've faced in the past. We also assess your current lifestyle to gain insights into your daily routines. Following this, we arrange a second consultation where we provide you with a set of personalized macronutrient targets and a meal plan designed to help you achieve your goals.

Throughout the program, we maintain regular contact with you on a weekly basis, scheduling 30-minute consultations to ensure accountability and keep you on track toward your objectives. We also continually evaluate your weekly plans and physical activities to make necessary adjustments to your nutrition plan, ensuring your success in real-life scenarios like special events, dining out, and holidays. This adaptability is crucial for your long-term success.

Our ultimate goal in this program is not only to help you succeed in the 12-14 weeks but also to equip you with the knowledge and skills to manage your nutrition effectively in the long term.

  • An initial 60 minute consultation to discuss your goals and a 60 minute follow up to ensure you are set up for success with your new nutrition plan.

  • Custom caloric and macronutrient targets to reach your goals along with custom meal plans dependent on personal preference to assist in reaching these goals.

  • 12 Weekly 30 minute sit down meetings to keep you accountable, monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

  • unlimited macro adjustments and meal plans

  • Unlimited access to your nutrition coach via text

  • Reboot Nutrition video series

Mini Program

Our Mini Program begins similarly to our 12-week program, with two 60-minute consultations. Your first meeting will involve a thorough health history assessment to gain a better understanding of your goals and the challenges you've encountered in the past. We will also assess your current lifestyle to gain insights into your daily routines. Following this, we will arrange a second consultation where we will provide you with a set of personalized macronutrient targets and a meal plan tailored to help you achieve your goals.

Please note that this program does not include additional follow-ups, macro set adjustments, or additional meal plans.

We recommend this program for individuals who have previously participated in a nutrition program, possess a solid understanding of nutrition, can independently make meal choices, and exhibit a high level of accountability.

  • An initial 60 minute consultation to discuss your goals and a 60 minute follow up to ensure you are set up for success with your new nutrition plan.

  • Custom caloric and macronutrient targets to reach your goals along with a custom meal plan dependent on personal preference to assist in reaching these goals.

  • Reboot Nutrition video series

Additional Weekly Reviews

This program is designed as an add-on to our 12-week or Mini Program. Many nutrition clients choose to continue with this program, as we guide them through additional nutrition cycles over the years. These cycles may include bulking, cutting, or simply seeking further accountability and long-term success.

  • Custom caloric and macronutrient targets to reach your goals along with custom meal plans dependent on personal preference to assist in reaching these goals.

  • Weekly or bi-weekly 30 minute sit down meetings to keep you accountable, monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

  • Unlimited access to your nutrition coach via text

Macro Set

Are you solely interested in determining the required calorie and macronutrient intake for your specific goals? If so, this program is tailored for you. You'll complete our nutrition intake form, and we will provide you with personalized caloric and macronutrient targets designed to help you achieve your objectives. Additionally, we will provide custom meal plan tailored to your personal preferences to facilitate your journey towards these goals.

  • Custom caloric and macronutrient targets to reach your goals along with custom meal plans dependent on personal preference to assist in reaching these goals.


Surrey Athletics
#306 14640 64th ave

Surrey, BC

V3S 1X7


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