Your Coach, your goals

Our coaches will develop a personal workout plan based on your goals and current fitness level. Whether it’s to lose weight, increase your strength and muscle tone or to improve your overall general fitness we can help. We will work with you in and out of the gym to keep you motivated, accountable and on track to be successful. With our variety of options and programs we can design the perfect package for you.

  • 30,45 or 60 minute sessions

  • Book around your scheduled and convenience

  • Tailored program to you and you, your needs and goals

  • Nutrition support and guidance

  • Packages and discounts available

We listen to you

The first step to your success is meeting with one of our coaches. We begin by doing a comprehensive health and history assessment to learn about you, your goals and what challenges you have faced in the past regarding these.  We assess your present lifestyle and scheduling requirements to gain insight into your daily routine. Our aim is to grasp your motivations and what drives you. However, above all, we strive to gain a comprehensive understanding of why you're inspired to make a change and what your ultimate goals are.

We Create your plan

Following your initial meeting, we will utilize the gathered information to pair you with a coach who aligns with your goals, requirements, and availability. They will subsequently develop a personalized plan that will be implemented during your training sessions together, supplemented by any necessary support for your success outside of the gym, including nutrition and lifestyle advice.

We measure and optimize

As you work with your coach, we are constantly assessing and optimizing your plan and program, adjusting to your needs. Your program and progress are meticulously documented so that we can take your results and, using science-backed knowledge, make any necessary adjustments to your training regimen. This ensures you stay motivated and on track to success.

Together, we conquer your goals

Your success is genuinely our success. Your achievements are not just milestones; they're a reflection of the hard work and dedication you've put into your fitness journey. Our coaches are passionate about guiding and supporting you every step of the way. They take immense pride in your accomplishments because they see your success as a testament to their expertise and commitment. It's a partnership where your victories are celebrated with the same excitement and joy as if they had achieved them themselves.


Surrey Athletics
#306 14640 64th ave

Surrey, BC

V3S 1X7


Copyright ©2023 Surrey Athletics